Environment protection

We are aware that our beautiful things have to be transported over thousands of kilometers to reach us. And this entails a significant carbon footprint.

However we do not see any alternative, as we do not wish to give this up completely. We think our beautiful things are essential.
This dilemma leads us to constantly think about what we can do to mitigate the consequences.

So, for example, we avoid elaborate packaging, we take the materials in which the products are delivered to us, and embellish them by hand and reuse them when wrapping our products for the customer.
We also try to avoid plastic packaging, and work with our suppliers to keep packaging materials to a minimum.
We take every opportunity which offers us a carbon offset, whether it be the transport companies, our printers, etc.
We prefer to work with Fair Trade companies who operate sustainably and keep their resource and energy consumption low.

We too have our responsibility in this area and are happy to hear any suggestions that will move us – a little bit further ahead in the area of environmental protection.